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Personality Tests For a Strong Remote Team

When it comes to teams and their individual members, then it's important that we are able to celebrate the differences. That's because it's the work styles, the way of thinking, different personality traits and a whole spectrum of skills that add to the mix which ensures that teams are able to achieve results through innovation. If you want to get a better understanding of how the different member

When it comes to teams and their individual members, then it's important that we are able to celebrate the differences. That's because it's the work styles, the way of thinking, different personality traits and a whole spectrum of skills that add to the mix which ensures that teams are able to achieve results through innovation. If you want to get a better understanding of how the different members make up the pieces of the jigsaw of the team, then a personality test can be used to build profiles of individual team members. These profiles can then be used as a bridge to help understand and improve how teams can work better together. They  will also point out both the strengths and weaknesses within the team itself.

Types Of Personality Tests

A quick Google search will reveal any number of online options which will allow you to create personality tests for the benefits of your teams. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers here. Only insights. These tests are not designed for, and should not be used, as a means of changing personalities or individual characteristics. This is true for both the test selection and for the test subjects themselves. As a given, you should be celebrating diversity and what these differences can bring to the table.

Character Strengths Survey

This is a very simple test which is more of a survey. It consists of 100 questions in the form of a quiz, where the answers can be selected from a range including, “very much like me”  to “very much unlike me.” The results of the survey are designed to show “signature strength, middle strength and areas for improvement.” The results come in the form of a tiered system which allows both yourself and your teams to see, not only each other's strengths, but also where they will need to support each other. In some ways, this is a great tool, as it builds on the vulnerabilities that exist in the team in order to create something much more cohesive that’ll make everyone stand stronger together.


This is a very well-known test and requires only around 15 minutes, with around 7 pages of questions to be answered. You will need to rate various phrases such as, “I see positives in every situation” and “I'm not afraid to tell someone when I think they are wrong.” The Enneagram test works by seeing how well the individual fits with 9 common personality types. This then provides a clear rating structure for each participant.


This is probably one of the best known types of personality tests. It's full name is the “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test.” It’s designed to match categories including intervention, and excavation, sensing and intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging and perceiving. The test allows you to see exactly who would be able to collaborate best with each other. You can also see which workers prefer to work alone. There are a huge number of factors that can be taken from this test. And all give valuable insights which will help you strengthen your team and the team bonds within.


You'll find that many of the tests in this list tend to have more similarities than they do differences. But the DiSC test Looks at different categories of behaviour based on Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). To achieve its goals it also asks questions related to social situations. The test is also interested in how those taking part perceive themselves and the situation around them. This test tends to focus more on an interpersonal style which allows for the building of much more impactful relationships. As such, it allows for a greater understanding at a deeper level between the individual members of a team.

High-5 Test

The High-5 test involves being provided with 100 prompts which are rated on the scale of “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.” For example, the tester may state, “I believe the best way to achieve success is by focusing on just one thing.” The user has the option as to whether to agree or disagree based on a preset scale of responses.

Once the 100 prompt test is over, then the results will highlight the team's five dominant traits. There are other tests which will also score highs and lows for the test takers. For example, the Character Strength Survey, which will spotlight the strongest five traits of each individual. By sharing the results with the members of each team, they are able to clearly see the similarities and differences between themselves. But the main focus of the test is to  pinpoint and highlight individual strengths, and how they can be used in creating a positive and impactful team.

5-Minute Personality Test

Just as it says on the tin, this test requires only 5 minutes and it's probably the fastest test you're going to find as far as personality tests go. We should point out that, though the test is over very quickly, It can still deliver very effective results. It's not an online test as with the others we have described above. And it's best to look at it in terms of an addition to a team meeting. This is because once the test is over, then everyone can come together to discuss the results immediately.

As with the other test here, you'll find prompts which need to be filled out. All in all, there are 10 lines of these, with each one having four words and phrases that the individual tester will rate on a scale of 1 to 4. Under these four categories is a phrase that best sums up the tester. Once the test is completed, then the numbers are added up from each prompt. This will reveal the traits best associated with it. 

The Colour Code

This sounds pretty new-wave, but it’s a test that assigns colours to those taking it. Later these will be aligned with their personality. The colour code test consists of two parts with the first section called “strengths and limitations.” Here you'll find 30 prompts and the user needs to select the traits that best describe themselves from a list of four options. The second part of the test is called the “situations” section. This will present the tester with 15 unique situations. But as a twist, they will not be asked how they would respond today, but rather how they would have responded if they were a child. Once again, there are four possible choices for each scenario. 

Once the test is completed, then you'll be assigned with either a white, blue, red or yellow  colour. As for the definitions of what each colour represents, that's something that your team can discuss later.

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