Escape room

How to manage your time in an escape game and beyond - Ivy Lee’s simple method in 5 steps

In 1918, Charles M. Schwab was one of the richest men in the world. His assets were based on the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, which, in addition to building the largest number of ships in the United States at the time, was also the second largest steelmaker. Schwab one day decided that even that was not enough and he wanted to make the factory giant run more efficiently. He turned to an acclaimed

In 1918, Charles M. Schwab was one of the richest men in the world. His assets were based on the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, which, in addition to building the largest number of ships in the United States at the time, was also the second largest steelmaker. Schwab one day decided that even that was not enough and he wanted to make the factory giant run more efficiently. He turned to an acclaimed consultant, Ivy Lee. At the meeting, Lee asked for only 15 minutes with each director.


How much will this cost me? Schwab asked.


"Nothing if it doesn't work," Lee replied. Moreover, if it does work, just pay as much as you think. In addition, you will have to pay only after in 3 months.


Needless to say, his offer was accepted.


During the 15 minutes he spent with the directors, he explained his extremely simple method. Some believed in it, some did not. In any case, they gave the method a chance. After 3 months, they were so pleased with the results that a $25,000 check landed at Lee. That $25,000 at today’s exchange rate is just a little less than half a million.


You wonder how did he do it.


The Ivy Lee method

The Ivy Lee method consists of just 5 simple steps and lasts only 15 minutes a day:


1. At the end of the day, write down the 6 most important things you need to do tomorrow! Do not write more or less.

2. Prioritize the 6 tasks based on their importance.

3. When you start to do the next day, do nothing but the first task. When you are done with it, only then move on to the second.

4. Than go ahead with the others. If any of them are left, write them down among the 6 things to do the next day.

5. Repeat the four steps above each day.


This is very easy to do indeed. In fact, it is just that you always describe your next day’s tasks at the end of the job. You may have an occupation that will only have 2-3 of these; it will only make things even easier.


Does it really work?


Yes, precisely because as simple as it is, it is so great. It is actually effective for one thing: it helps you focus on one task at a time.

Although multitasking is overrated these days, it is much, much more effective to have one task at a time. The key to productivity is to keep that one thing in focus.


Does the escape room help with this?


Yes definitely, because it is an excellent place to practice. In an escape room there are lot of distractions in the way and you always have to choose the next task from many others. You will find the solution gradually. If you do not, it is almost certain that the game will go a lot harder, as you can get out much more slowly if you fragment your attention. So give it a chance: test the method playfully before you incorporate it into your everyday life!

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